New Games 2019 - 2018
إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Fighting. إظهار كافة الرسائل
إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Fighting. إظهار كافة الرسائل
Tomb Sibling
P2: “←→”Move around,”↓”Use a shield defense, At the same time press”↑”+” ←/→”Use a shield walk mobile.rived at the door or well click “↓“control into; Rob a tomb is a lot of want to strike it rich guys for the road. High thin and stout is also one of the tomb raiders, they is one of the outstanding person, two people close cooperation, stolen a very much graveyard, is rob a grave world celebrity. This time they came to a have never been one had found the tomb, ancient book records the cemetery dangerous, want to smooth rushed past, and two people together, to smooth customs clearance.
Humaliens VS Battle Gear 2
[Left/Right arrows] or [A]/[D] to scroll the map.
Press [P] to pause the game.
Rain Forest Escape
Shinobi Quest
Red Fountain Swordsman
- Choose your favorite classical melee weapon;
- Practice your skills and earn the highest grade;
- New 'Adventure Quests' every month;
- Defend Red Fountain School, Alfea or the Realm of Magix from terrible attacks;
- Win trophies, awards and badges in tournament and intramural competitions. Select 'practice' (easy, normal or difficult sessions) or 'adventure' modes -- you must have good grades to go on adventures; and select your weapons.
Use your arrow keys to match the attack direction and try to time your defense-rhythm perfectly. If you parry too soon or too late, you loose points
on your swordmanship grades. Try to graduate with the highest honors.
Army Destroyer
Space Action
To complete the game you have to clean 6 stages.
2012. Ronaldo Obaski. Telêmaco Borba, PR - Brazil. To start game, press PLAY button with a mouse click.
To move your space ship, press right and left arrow keys.
To shoot, press or hold "X" key.
Hydro Paper Tank
violent couple
Double mode: TINA(woman): "↑.↓.←.→"Move,"<"Attack,">"Action(Energy tank full grid after blasting gas) Tina and her husband auspicious card has lived more than eighty years, it is had lots of children and grandchildren, but their children and grandchildren but don't try to make a good showing, three children food and drink piao wager everything, is now hope Tina and auspicious card early die, can divide up heritage. Even find the killer kill them, Tina and auspicious card decided to teach these unworthy sons.
smart phone survior
a survivor game,fighting using smart phone,the smaller is phone version 1,the biger is phone version 10,Higher levels get progressively more difficult. player1 ASWD=Move J=punch K=jump player2 ↑↓←→=Move numpad 1=punch numpad 2=jump player3 numpad 7/8/9/5=Move pagedown=punch End=jump player4 ‘[]p=move i=punch u=jump
Gangnam Style
this is the game of the same name. S+W+J=Gangnam Style skill